Today is my Aunt Suzanne's birthday. I wonder how old she is turning. I think she is probably 26 or 27, because she is younger than my dad. Well, actually I think she is probably 21 or 22. Actually, I just really don't know. I like it when I can go to her house and go to the park. Did you know I had sushi for the very first time with my Aunt Suzanne? I reallly REALLY like sushi. SUSHI!
Yesterday I went to the pool. It was so much fun. I can float on my back. My body is kind of like a raft and my arms are like paddles. If someone sat on me, I would sink, so not that kind of raft. It would be embarassing. I also can to do a flip under the water and do a handstand!
Last night we went to see fireworks as a family. It was so fun! I love fireworks. We also found some pizza boxes from one of the vendors at the summer kick off party and Andrew and I went sledding on them down the grass. My dad got Sno-cones for me and Andrew and Zack. I really liked mine. I had blueberry and strawberry!
One of my favorite candies is reese's peanut butter cups. I'm eating some right now in my ice cream.
Well, I have to go get ready for church now.
By the way, yesterday when I got back from the pool I helped with home beautification by mopping the floor. I slipped on the floor and bumped my head. There was no caution wet floor sign, so it was dangerous.

My dad is painting my room and Mylie's room lavendar. I am so excited. Bye.

MADDIE!! I LOVE your blog! And I love you! I miss you!! Are you excited that Taylor and I get to visit you in a few weeks??
Miss Maddie Pie. This is Taylor, i just wanted to tell you how excited I am to meet you and your family. Keep up the good post and let us know what is going on in Virginia. Oh and by the way I love SUSHI TOO!!!
Hi Maddie,
You're lucky your room is going to be lavendar. I don't think Dave would like it if I painted our room lavender...but I haven't asked him, so who knows? Wow, you get to eat ice cream with Reese's peanut butter cups before church? I usually don't have time to eat anything before church, because it starts at 9am and I wake up late. I love you & your blog! ps-I like your cute swim suit!! Very modest!
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