A few weeks ago I went to the beach with my Dad's side of the family. We were only there for one week and my mom made me a deal about getting a webkin. The deal was if I was good all week I could get one. It wasn't easy to be good, because I just really don't like cleaning up too much. There was only one kind of webkin at the store. A HORSE! So I got it of course!
Oh yeah, at the beach we saw some wild horses eating grass on the sand dunes. I got up really close to them and my dad took a picture, but we haven't loaded it off the camera yet. I also found a hoof print in the sand for my dad to take a picture of. I found lots of shells, but I didn't get to keep all of them. I LOVED going boogie boarding and jumping waves with my uncle Sam. My Grandpa Kent took me to a really fun bookstore and I did activities like making a Harry Potter wand, and my grandpa bought me some choose your own ending books. He also bought me lots of ice cream and took me to get my hair wrapped. It was really fun.
Speaking of Grandpas, my Grandfather Lee took me to the Kennedy Center to see the Phantom of the Opera. It was so much fun. I love that show! Especially at the beginning when they raise the chandelier and later when it comes crashing back down again. I also like riding in Grandfather's car. He even took me to get a Happy Meal afterwards!
I miss my uncle Josh. He's in Utah at BYU. I can't say anything more about that, because it makes me too sad.
But...my Aunt Jessie is getting married so I can see Josh in Utah when I go out for the wedding. I get to be a flower girl. I am so excited. We already have our plane tickets to go to Utah! Yay! I get to miss school.
I went to my friend Marin's Pink Party. She really loves the color pink. We all wore pink to her house and ate pink cake and made pink decorations and her mom even sprayed our hair with a pink spray! For a party favor I got a pink hippo and some pink my little pony pencils. Zack already broke the pencils in half, though.
Andrew is so cool. Well, sometimes. The other day we had a lot of fun playing Vampire. He kept telling me to get out of my coffin, and then he took away my remote that opened my pretend coffin. We also had dark blankets and sunglasses to protect us from the sun. Andrew and I have been playing outside in our neighborhood. I ride my scooter and he rides his new Ben 10 bike. We also like to play a game called Uncle Wiggly together.
I also love going to the pool, but we only do that sometimes. It is too hard for my mom to watch all of us kids there by herself, especially since only I know how to swim.
Oh and by the way, I went to my grandfather's house last night and guess what! He made banana bread! My favorite! He even sent some home with us. I had some for breakfast with some yogurt.
Next year I am going to be in second grade. I don't know what teacher I am going to have yet. Some of the kids in my neighborhood that I play with are going to start kindergarten there next year. They're Andrew's age, but Andrew doesn't get to go to kindergarten next year because his birthday isn't until December and you have to be born by September 30 to be allowed to go to kindergarten.
We got new DVD players for when we ride in the car. I like to watch Star Wars movies in the car. Andrew only wants to watch He-Man or Ducktales. I hate those shows. My mom tells us to stop fighting and if we don't she doesn't let us watch anything.
My dad took some pictures of my Webkin. I named her Cristen Jules Burton. I like to go online to webkin world with her. Andrew has a Monkey webkin. He named him BamBam. Our webkins are friends.
Oh yeah, and Mylie turned one.
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