Wednesday, December 26, 2007
guinea pigs
We just got two guinea pigs! They are our first pets in this house. Their names are Phoebe and Maggie. Right now their kind of scared, but they'll be used to it in two days.
Friday, December 7, 2007
She shoots... She scores!
Tomorow is my 1st b.ball game! I'm so exsited. And guess what, my aunt
Jessie'sgoing to be there to! I even have a ball with my last name on it:
Burton. Tune in next week to here more about my life. This was brought to you by:wwww.
Jessie'sgoing to be there to! I even have a ball with my last name on it:
Burton. Tune in next week to here more about my life. This was brought to you by:wwww.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Kookoo for cocoa puffs
On wednesday mom ceme to school @ 10:00 for a party. I got a webkinz after school! I got one for Andrew to. Andrew got a beagle. And I got a choclate lab. I named mine Coco. And andrew named his Powwow.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
good golly miss Molly
Today I found out who my coach is going to be. Her name is Molly. practice is this wensday!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
My mom signed me up for#1the academic challenge#2basket ball. I've made 3 shots so far!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
happybirthday to you your 3 years old
Zack just had his birthday.He got tons of stuf.A stufed dog,a bunch of cars,and some kind of Elmo toy.Tomoros halloween!Tomoros halloween!Trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
who puts pepperoni on a rhino?
I bet I know who. ANDREW DID!!! because aunt Suzanne gave the both of us a back to school present. P.S.if your reading this Suzanne thank you very much .very very much! (he got a rhino he named it Pizza-Shoop-Shop-Gray. hehehehehehehehe hahahhahaahaha I got Pinkie .Piggie .Buttercup. and FINALY last but not least Zack got a dog named... well A um um um um um...actually I don't know its name WAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWA mommyWAWAWAAWAWAWAWAWAWA daddyWAWAWAWAWAWAWA) huhuhuhu. sorry about that folks.
Monday, July 30, 2007
A walk on the beach

A few weeks ago I went to the beach with my Dad's side of the family. We were only there for one week and my mom made me a deal about getting a webkin. The deal was if I was good all week I could get one. It wasn't easy to be good, because I just really don't like cleaning up too much. There was only one kind of webkin at the store. A HORSE! So I got it of course!
Oh yeah, at the beach we saw some wild horses eating grass on the sand dunes. I got up really close to them and my dad took a picture, but we haven't loaded it off the camera yet. I also found a hoof print in the sand for my dad to take a picture of. I found lots of shells, but I didn't get to keep all of them. I LOVED going boogie boarding and jumping waves with my uncle Sam. My Grandpa Kent took me to a really fun bookstore and I did activities like making a Harry Potter wand, and my grandpa bought me some choose your own ending books. He also bought me lots of ice cream and took me to get my hair wrapped. It was really fun.
Speaking of Grandpas, my Grandfather Lee took me to the Kennedy Center to see the Phantom of the Opera. It was so much fun. I love that show! Especially at the beginning when they raise the chandelier and later when it comes crashing back down again. I also like riding in Grandfather's car. He even took me to get a Happy Meal afterwards!
I miss my uncle Josh. He's in Utah at BYU. I can't say anything more about that, because it makes me too sad. Aunt Jessie is getting married so I can see Josh in Utah when I go out for the wedding. I get to be a flower girl. I am so excited. We already have our plane tickets to go to Utah! Yay! I get to miss school.
I went to my friend Marin's Pink Party. She really loves the color pink. We all wore pink to her house and ate pink cake and made pink decorations and her mom even sprayed our hair with a pink spray! For a party favor I got a pink hippo and some pink my little pony pencils. Zack already broke the pencils in half, though.
Andrew is so cool. Well, sometimes. The other day we had a lot of fun playing Vampire. He kept telling me to get out of my coffin, and then he took away my remote that opened my pretend coffin. We also had dark blankets and sunglasses to protect us from the sun. Andrew and I have been playing outside in our neighborhood. I ride my scooter and he rides his new Ben 10 bike. We also like to play a game called Uncle Wiggly together.
I also love going to the pool, but we only do that sometimes. It is too hard for my mom to watch all of us kids there by herself, especially since only I know how to swim.
Oh and by the way, I went to my grandfather's house last night and guess what! He made banana bread! My favorite! He even sent some home with us. I had some for breakfast with some yogurt.
Next year I am going to be in second grade. I don't know what teacher I am going to have yet. Some of the kids in my neighborhood that I play with are going to start kindergarten there next year. They're Andrew's age, but Andrew doesn't get to go to kindergarten next year because his birthday isn't until December and you have to be born by September 30 to be allowed to go to kindergarten.
We got new DVD players for when we ride in the car. I like to watch Star Wars movies in the car. Andrew only wants to watch He-Man or Ducktales. I hate those shows. My mom tells us to stop fighting and if we don't she doesn't let us watch anything.
My dad took some pictures of my Webkin. I named her Cristen Jules Burton. I like to go online to webkin world with her. Andrew has a Monkey webkin. He named him BamBam. Our webkins are friends.
Oh yeah, and Mylie turned one.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Ask Maddie:Edition One
Here are the questions to the questions you guys asked me through comments on the last post.
Aunt Jessies questions:
1.My favorite thing about you is that you usually get me presents when you come here.
2. Yes, I am excited to have a new uncle.
3. Yes I will be your star flower girl. I don't think Mylie can actually be a flower girl because she can't walk down an aisle. Maybe she could crawl.
4.I'm most excited to go to the beach and go to the pool this summer.
5.When you and Taylor come to visit we should go to Maggie Moo's and get ice cream. We can get free ice cream because I earned a certificate at school by bringing in ALOT of box tops!!!!!
Heather's questions:
1.No, not this week. But last week I lost either 8 or 28 dimes. I don't remember.
2.I'm going to go to the beach the week of the 4th of July with my dad's family and my family.
3.My 2 favorite movies are "Cinderella 3:Twist in Time" and "Nancy Drew-Get a Clue."
4.Yes I am having fun with Jessie and Taylor. I am excited having Jessie here and I have fun playing with Taylor.
5. Not usually, but I do see Grandfather sometimes.
6.Kind of, but not that much because I'm pretty used to not seeing him because we didn't usually see him alot. But actually I do miss him.
Today is Heather's birthday. So here are the words to a funny birthday song that one of my friends wrote.
"Happy Birthday to me. I am one-hundred and twenty-three. I'm still a baby and I want my mommy.
My mommy's at work and she fired a dork and hired a monkey to do my homework. The monkey gave me ice cream and I wanted some cake and I still want my mommy to come home from work...." Well I don't really remember the ending part but I just said that anyway. I love you Heather! Happy Birthday!
Here is another song that I made up for the end of school.
Aunt Jessies questions:
1.My favorite thing about you is that you usually get me presents when you come here.
2. Yes, I am excited to have a new uncle.
3. Yes I will be your star flower girl. I don't think Mylie can actually be a flower girl because she can't walk down an aisle. Maybe she could crawl.
4.I'm most excited to go to the beach and go to the pool this summer.
5.When you and Taylor come to visit we should go to Maggie Moo's and get ice cream. We can get free ice cream because I earned a certificate at school by bringing in ALOT of box tops!!!!!
Heather's questions:
1.No, not this week. But last week I lost either 8 or 28 dimes. I don't remember.
2.I'm going to go to the beach the week of the 4th of July with my dad's family and my family.
3.My 2 favorite movies are "Cinderella 3:Twist in Time" and "Nancy Drew-Get a Clue."
4.Yes I am having fun with Jessie and Taylor. I am excited having Jessie here and I have fun playing with Taylor.
5. Not usually, but I do see Grandfather sometimes.
6.Kind of, but not that much because I'm pretty used to not seeing him because we didn't usually see him alot. But actually I do miss him.
Today is Heather's birthday. So here are the words to a funny birthday song that one of my friends wrote.
"Happy Birthday to me. I am one-hundred and twenty-three. I'm still a baby and I want my mommy.
My mommy's at work and she fired a dork and hired a monkey to do my homework. The monkey gave me ice cream and I wanted some cake and I still want my mommy to come home from work...." Well I don't really remember the ending part but I just said that anyway. I love you Heather! Happy Birthday!

Here is another song that I made up for the end of school.
"So long, farewell, for it is the end. So long, farewell, I hope we meet again." I don't really remember the last few parts of the song because I made it up 1 or 2 days ago.
BYE! I'm signing off!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
What do you know about me?
So, I got tagged by my mom's cousin, Heather. When my mom told me, I wasn't sure I wanted to do it. But, now I am. I don't know why I changed my mind.
Eight things you may not know about me:
1. I have four American Girl dolls. Their names are: Emily, Nellie, Kirsten, and Brooke.
2. My favorite place to go on vacation is Walt Disney World. I've been there a LOT of times, because I love it.
3. I'm afraid of the dark.
4. I love to eat steak and mashed potatoes with pepper.
5. My favorite thing to wear is my green swim suit to the pool on hot days.
6. My most embarassing moment is when I wet my pants in kindergarten.
7. My favorite activity is doing flips in the pool.
8. If I had a million dollars I would buy a cabbage patch kid, more American Girl dolls, and an American Girl bookset.
9. The biggest surprise of my life was being invited to so many birthday parties.
10. My favorite things to read are my scriptures and my American Girl books.
Uh, ok, that was ten...
Hey, Jessie, I'm almost done with school. I'm excited to see you next week and to meet Taylor. My advice to you about getting married is, well, let's not write that I can't think of any thing...
Today at school I learned there are seven continents. You can use five or six colors to draw them on a map.
Heather, thanks for tagging me.
Megan, thanks for all the comments. My mom told me you have a cute new baby.
Maere, when are you coming to visit me again?
For my next entry, I will answer your questions that you leave in my comment section. Well, I MIGHT answer SOME of your questions. It's worth a try. Go ahead and leave me some questions for my new 'Ask Maddie' post.
Well, I'm signing off now. Bye...
P.S. Taylor, I'm excited to meet you. Did you know you are marrying a homecoming queen?
Eight things you may not know about me:
1. I have four American Girl dolls. Their names are: Emily, Nellie, Kirsten, and Brooke.
2. My favorite place to go on vacation is Walt Disney World. I've been there a LOT of times, because I love it.
3. I'm afraid of the dark.
4. I love to eat steak and mashed potatoes with pepper.
5. My favorite thing to wear is my green swim suit to the pool on hot days.
6. My most embarassing moment is when I wet my pants in kindergarten.
7. My favorite activity is doing flips in the pool.
8. If I had a million dollars I would buy a cabbage patch kid, more American Girl dolls, and an American Girl bookset.
9. The biggest surprise of my life was being invited to so many birthday parties.
10. My favorite things to read are my scriptures and my American Girl books.
Uh, ok, that was ten...
Hey, Jessie, I'm almost done with school. I'm excited to see you next week and to meet Taylor. My advice to you about getting married is, well, let's not write that I can't think of any thing...
Today at school I learned there are seven continents. You can use five or six colors to draw them on a map.
Heather, thanks for tagging me.
Megan, thanks for all the comments. My mom told me you have a cute new baby.
Maere, when are you coming to visit me again?
For my next entry, I will answer your questions that you leave in my comment section. Well, I MIGHT answer SOME of your questions. It's worth a try. Go ahead and leave me some questions for my new 'Ask Maddie' post.
Well, I'm signing off now. Bye...
P.S. Taylor, I'm excited to meet you. Did you know you are marrying a homecoming queen?
Monday, June 4, 2007
Lots of new things are happening in my life. For example, I tried doing a swim test so I can go down the waterslide and off the diving boards. Dad and Mom said maybe I should learn how to swim before I try to take the swim test again. I do know how to swim. I think that by learning how to swim Mom and Dad probably mean practicing laps. Uncle Justin said I did a good job, and probably would have made it if I had gone straight rather than zig-zagging.
If I had to choose one word to describe how my room looks now that it is all painted, that word would be "BEAUTIFUL!!!" My favorite thing about my room now is how clean it is.
My Aunt Jessie is getting married ('So This is Love!!!') Also, my Aunt Brooke is going to have a baby. So, I am getting a new uncle in October. I'm also getting a new cousin in November. I'm probably having that new cousin on November 30. That is my Aunt Jessie's birthday AND my Aunt Abby's birthday.
I finished reading two more books. One was an AR (Accelerated Reader) book from my school. I like to read at bedtime, but Mylie hates it! I need the light on to read, and she thinks it is play time then. I hate it when she starts squealing for me to play with her! I just HATE it! So, I finally get out of bed, walk over to crib, and I talk to her. She gets calmed down when I talk to her, even though she doesn't know what I am saying. She thinks when I come over to talk to her that I am playing and she starts laughing her head off. Sometimes I also am going there to play with her, but when I go back to read my book she starts crying again, that's why I start getting annoyed. I have to go back and forth, back and forth...
Mylie likes it when I come over and start laughing loudly like an evil villian. Over and over again. Talk to you later, bye.
If I had to choose one word to describe how my room looks now that it is all painted, that word would be "BEAUTIFUL!!!" My favorite thing about my room now is how clean it is.
My Aunt Jessie is getting married ('So This is Love!!!') Also, my Aunt Brooke is going to have a baby. So, I am getting a new uncle in October. I'm also getting a new cousin in November. I'm probably having that new cousin on November 30. That is my Aunt Jessie's birthday AND my Aunt Abby's birthday.
I finished reading two more books. One was an AR (Accelerated Reader) book from my school. I like to read at bedtime, but Mylie hates it! I need the light on to read, and she thinks it is play time then. I hate it when she starts squealing for me to play with her! I just HATE it! So, I finally get out of bed, walk over to crib, and I talk to her. She gets calmed down when I talk to her, even though she doesn't know what I am saying. She thinks when I come over to talk to her that I am playing and she starts laughing her head off. Sometimes I also am going there to play with her, but when I go back to read my book she starts crying again, that's why I start getting annoyed. I have to go back and forth, back and forth...
Mylie likes it when I come over and start laughing loudly like an evil villian. Over and over again. Talk to you later, bye.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Telling people about my blog
When I told my first grade teacher about my blog today at school she was surprised and she wanted me to write down the name of it. I like to ask my mom to help me type up my blog every few days.
Today I started reading a really funny book called "Junie B. Jones: Jingle Bells, Batman Smells (PS So Does May)." The story is about Junie B. Jones who doesn't like a girl like May in her class. At first when I read the title of the book, I thought she meant the month of May. Well, so, the book is about a girl named Junie B and a girl named May. My favorite part was when they went out to the hall and Junie B. jumped up and said, "I am calm!" There is also another part of the book that was really funny...Junie B. was in the hallway saying she hates May and she doesn't want to be her secret Santa (PS I don't really know what that means yet).
My room is all painted now. It makes me feel happy and surprised when I walk into my room. I'm still used to having my room with yellow stripes.
Mylie likes it when I hit her in the head with a pillow. She laughs a LOT. My mom doesn't think it is a good idea to do.
Have you heard this joke yet:
Knock, KNOCK!
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Orange who?!?
Orange you glad I didn't say banana?
My favorite show to watch is Sponge Bob Square Pants. I also like to watch Discovery Kids. One of my favorite shows on Discovery Kids is 'Flight 29 Down.'
Whenever there is pizza at school and I'm buying lunch I ALWAYS ALWAYS get pizza. PS- So does my friend Zachary Peffley.
Adios. Talk to you later.
Today I started reading a really funny book called "Junie B. Jones: Jingle Bells, Batman Smells (PS So Does May)." The story is about Junie B. Jones who doesn't like a girl like May in her class. At first when I read the title of the book, I thought she meant the month of May. Well, so, the book is about a girl named Junie B and a girl named May. My favorite part was when they went out to the hall and Junie B. jumped up and said, "I am calm!" There is also another part of the book that was really funny...Junie B. was in the hallway saying she hates May and she doesn't want to be her secret Santa (PS I don't really know what that means yet).
My room is all painted now. It makes me feel happy and surprised when I walk into my room. I'm still used to having my room with yellow stripes.
Mylie likes it when I hit her in the head with a pillow. She laughs a LOT. My mom doesn't think it is a good idea to do.
Have you heard this joke yet:
Knock, KNOCK!
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Banana who?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Orange who?!?
Orange you glad I didn't say banana?
My favorite show to watch is Sponge Bob Square Pants. I also like to watch Discovery Kids. One of my favorite shows on Discovery Kids is 'Flight 29 Down.'
Whenever there is pizza at school and I'm buying lunch I ALWAYS ALWAYS get pizza. PS- So does my friend Zachary Peffley.
Adios. Talk to you later.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Two of my favorite classes at school are art and music. I like art because I love making crafts and painting. I like music, because it is fun to do and I like hearing and listening to the beat that we are playing.
Today is my Aunt Suzanne's birthday. I wonder how old she is turning. I think she is probably 26 or 27, because she is younger than my dad. Well, actually I think she is probably 21 or 22. Actually, I just really don't know. I like it when I can go to her house and go to the park. Did you know I had sushi for the very first time with my Aunt Suzanne? I reallly REALLY like sushi. SUSHI!
Yesterday I went to the pool. It was so much fun. I can float on my back. My body is kind of like a raft and my arms are like paddles. If someone sat on me, I would sink, so not that kind of raft. It would be embarassing. I also can to do a flip under the water and do a handstand!
Last night we went to see fireworks as a family. It was so fun! I love fireworks. We also found some pizza boxes from one of the vendors at the summer kick off party and Andrew and I went sledding on them down the grass. My dad got Sno-cones for me and Andrew and Zack. I really liked mine. I had blueberry and strawberry!
One of my favorite candies is reese's peanut butter cups. I'm eating some right now in my ice cream.
Well, I have to go get ready for church now.
By the way, yesterday when I got back from the pool I helped with home beautification by mopping the floor. I slipped on the floor and bumped my head. There was no caution wet floor sign, so it was dangerous.

My dad is painting my room and Mylie's room lavendar. I am so excited. Bye.
Today is my Aunt Suzanne's birthday. I wonder how old she is turning. I think she is probably 26 or 27, because she is younger than my dad. Well, actually I think she is probably 21 or 22. Actually, I just really don't know. I like it when I can go to her house and go to the park. Did you know I had sushi for the very first time with my Aunt Suzanne? I reallly REALLY like sushi. SUSHI!
Yesterday I went to the pool. It was so much fun. I can float on my back. My body is kind of like a raft and my arms are like paddles. If someone sat on me, I would sink, so not that kind of raft. It would be embarassing. I also can to do a flip under the water and do a handstand!
Last night we went to see fireworks as a family. It was so fun! I love fireworks. We also found some pizza boxes from one of the vendors at the summer kick off party and Andrew and I went sledding on them down the grass. My dad got Sno-cones for me and Andrew and Zack. I really liked mine. I had blueberry and strawberry!
One of my favorite candies is reese's peanut butter cups. I'm eating some right now in my ice cream.
Well, I have to go get ready for church now.
By the way, yesterday when I got back from the pool I helped with home beautification by mopping the floor. I slipped on the floor and bumped my head. There was no caution wet floor sign, so it was dangerous.

My dad is painting my room and Mylie's room lavendar. I am so excited. Bye.

Saturday, May 26, 2007
Meet Miss Maddie Pie
My mom told me it was ok to start a blog and that she would help me with it until I get the hang of what to do. Miss Maddie Pie is a nickname my Grandfather gave me when I was a baby. He likes to give people nicknames. Andrew does not like nicknames. He only likes to be called A-N-D-R-E-W. Andrew only. That is why my Grandfather likes to call him other names. Grandfather calls my brother Zachary 'Zack Iraq Attack' and my sister 'Smiley Mylie.' Sometimes he even calls my dad 'Benny Boy,' but I haven't actually ever heard him say it with my dad in the room. My Dad used to call my Grandfather 'Daddy Dave.' He doesn't anymore.
I am the oldest child in my family. My mom and dad are also both the oldest kids in their families. I am the oldest grandchild on boths sides of my family. I am even the oldest great-grandchild in my Grandpa Burton's family.
I have lots of aunts and uncles, but I only have three cousins. They live down the street from me. They are Bracken, Abbie, and Tate. Sometimes I call Tate 'Monkey Boy.'
I am most likely the smartest kid in Cedar Lane Elementary School first grade. Sometimes my teacher gives us math problems that are higher than fifth grade problems, I usually get them right. I usually don't like it when we play kickball at recess. I like to go play at the playground instead.
I am allergic to dogs and cats.
The funniest joke I know is this:
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Peace up.
Peace up who?
Ewww, gross! HaHaHaHa!
I'm pretty tall. I'm tall enough to go on the rock climbing wall at the gym, but I haven't climbed it yet.
Of all the things in the world that I could be the best of, I would have to say I am best at kicking a soccer ball. My mom never signs me up for soccer though.
I have nine or ten best friends.
I love playing on, but I never give away any personal information. My mom thinks it gives too much information to strangers and that I will get kidnapped. My mom worries about me a lot. Sometimes I'm afraid of heights.
My favorite food is mashed potatoes. I like them with pepper and gravy. But, sometimes I like them separate, like only with gravy and no pepper, and sometimes pepper with no gravy. My friends Will and Lindsey think it is gross that I like greenbeans with ketchup. My grandma thinks that is gross too.
My favorite colors are dark green and dark blue. Well, I'm signing off now, I'll talk to you later. Bye!
I am the oldest child in my family. My mom and dad are also both the oldest kids in their families. I am the oldest grandchild on boths sides of my family. I am even the oldest great-grandchild in my Grandpa Burton's family.
I have lots of aunts and uncles, but I only have three cousins. They live down the street from me. They are Bracken, Abbie, and Tate. Sometimes I call Tate 'Monkey Boy.'
I am most likely the smartest kid in Cedar Lane Elementary School first grade. Sometimes my teacher gives us math problems that are higher than fifth grade problems, I usually get them right. I usually don't like it when we play kickball at recess. I like to go play at the playground instead.
I am allergic to dogs and cats.
The funniest joke I know is this:
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Peace up.
Peace up who?
Ewww, gross! HaHaHaHa!
I'm pretty tall. I'm tall enough to go on the rock climbing wall at the gym, but I haven't climbed it yet.
Of all the things in the world that I could be the best of, I would have to say I am best at kicking a soccer ball. My mom never signs me up for soccer though.
I have nine or ten best friends.
I love playing on, but I never give away any personal information. My mom thinks it gives too much information to strangers and that I will get kidnapped. My mom worries about me a lot. Sometimes I'm afraid of heights.
My favorite food is mashed potatoes. I like them with pepper and gravy. But, sometimes I like them separate, like only with gravy and no pepper, and sometimes pepper with no gravy. My friends Will and Lindsey think it is gross that I like greenbeans with ketchup. My grandma thinks that is gross too.
My favorite colors are dark green and dark blue. Well, I'm signing off now, I'll talk to you later. Bye!
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